Hey guys! Little known fact: I am only capable of starting posts with hey guyssss. They are literally the first two words that pop out every time I open a new draft. And then, like, 64% of the time I come back to the top and force a new opener. Or just add a bunch of sssssssss’s. Or swap in a super original spelling of hey. I’m kinda digging haaaaaaiii but sometimes heyyo slips out, too. Hihihi! Hehwoooooooh. Heyeyeyeye. Hajjjjaieyeewwww. I’m drinking $4 wine. Hey guysssssss. Anyway, these popsicles are so super simple that they leave me with almost nothing to drone … Read More
Summer Street Corn Two Ways (gluten-free)

Ok guys. Here it is: the post (or rather, posts) that’s officially gonna take your “waaaaaah it’s already August, Poopiecakes McBacktoschool” and turn it into “it’s peak sweet corn season beeeyahs, mah summer’s juuuuuuust getting started!!” Because a summer without corn is just pool hair and ReddiWip. Ear cuffs and Dippin’ Dots. Rollerblades and boy bands. Oh, sorry, thought we were listing our fave childhood shit. Are you still there? The shameful thing is that corn actually isn’t all that commonplace in our house, even when it’s at the peak of candy-sweet, 10-for-a-dolla awesomeness. The simplest explanation would be that Chris … Read More