You’re so lucky, guys. I’ve got a snap-ton of snazzy stuff headed your way in the weeks to come, like more infused, fruity drinks (since you were kinda bananas for the last one), a pair of pretty, spring soups that will make quick work of all those CSA veggies, and even a CAKE. Yeah, cake stuffs happened and I lived to tell about it. And I totally didn’t drop my favorite ceramic measuring spoon down the running garbage disposal in the process. (No really, I didn’t. But that’s a very real fear of mine. Like, I imagine it happening nearly every time … Read More
Cheesy Twice-Baked Sweet Potatoes w/ Crispy Chorizo & Maple Cream (gluten-free, veggie variation)

First, big thanks to everyone who entered last week’s giveaway of “The Paleo Foodie”! I was happily blown away by your collective passion for leading (or learning more about) a paleo lifestyle. Any diet that gives lamb chops and butter a fatty thumbs up is A-OK with me. (Confession: I might be a little emoji dependent. I might be a little sad I can’t pictorally A-OK this biznit. *Emoji tearface*) And, bigger congrats to our randomly selected winner, Heidi K. I know you’ll love checking out Arsy’s arsynal — nyuck nyuck— of nummers paleo recipes. 🙂 So let’s quickly talk ‘taters. Should … Read More
Pig n’ Prairie Pasta (Rigatoni with Easy Bacon & Bison Bolognese)

We’re watching Dexter these days. I hope you understand why that means my posts have been a bit sporadic lately. I’m sure it also explains why I’m hearing the words I’m typing in the voice of Michael C. Hall. Is it still your own inner monologue if it’s in the voice of someone else? In case you’re wondering, it’s still happening. I feel like we hardly even know each other anymore, you guys. So I’m going to try to change that. Here’s a little of what I’ve been up to these days, outside of the kitchen: As we discussed, I’m … Read More