Whew. How are you guys? I’m, well, tired. We said a bittersweet goodbye to our little old house last week, packed up our tiny kitchen and lingered over many a box recounting the memories we made in one home and everything that awaits us in the next. And now we’ve got company coming tomorrow and a whole heap’a boxes to be unpacked in the guest room, so while I’ve got too much fun stuff to talk about today, I’ll keep things Speedy McGee. Here goes: 1) Kicking things off (wait for it…), oh heeeeeeeeeyyy Super Bowl Weekend — how’re you doin? … Read More
Super Bowl Roundup: 20 P&Q Eats for the Big Game

Do you remember your first Super Bowl? I do. My mom and I were living in an apartment off the river, in a little one-bedroom over the manager’s office. One of my favorite pastimes was fastening a paperclip to a string, knotting it clumsily around the end of a stick and dangling it over the balcony. Time and again it’d come back up with a small note attached — or, if I was really lucky, an individually-wrapped Starburst candy, the paperclip deftly pried open and speared through the waxy pink or yellow wrapper. The little things, right? “Hey kiddo,” my … Read More