Update: this giveaway is now closed. Thanks to all who entered – and congrats to our winner, Laura P.! Few people know this, but my relationship with Chris started with a night of dancing. A pair of silver pumps. And a girl named Ashley. Ashley and I shared mutual friends throughout college, so our run-ins were not infrequent. She roomed with one of my high school classmates in the dorms. Was heavily crushed upon by my own roommates in the years following (sorry guys, the cat’s out!). And we were both, I can now freely admit with only the faintest hint … Read More
Soy Chorizo and Black Bean Empanadas
Soy Chorizo and Black Bean Empanadas: warmly spiced soy (or traditional) chorizo, black beans and sweet potatoes encased in a golden-brown, tender, flaky crust. These veggie hand pies are simple, satisfying and adorably portable. There’s been some major crankypants happening around here lately. Maybe it has something to do with the post-vacation blues (kind of a real thing) or the post-vacation head-turned-chest cold (definitely a real thing), but I have been reallll whiny. Things like emptying bags of Trader Joe’s brand Funyuns into my face seem to be helping marginally, although I refuse to call them by their given name, … Read More