When Chris and I lived in Ohio, one of our favorite restaurants was a bustling Italian place on the riverfront in Dublin called La Tavola. For happy hours, it had a huge patio surrounded by plenty of hardwood trees for shade and unfussy cocktails mixed by unfussy bartenders. For date nights, it had lighting that was just dim enough and handmade pastas you could order by the half or full — perfect for sharing a taste of everything, even when it was just the two of us. And for impressing out-of-town family, a gigantic rustic farm table that sat smack … Read More
roasted fig + potato salad with asparagus, goat cheese + honey-orange balsamic vinaigrette

Hi, my name is Emily, and I love purging shit outta my house. So when I got an email from Phoebe a few weeks ago suggesting a pantry purge in the name of spring cleaning, I jumped right on it. Purging shit not only out of my house — but into my belly!? I can think of few things more satisfying. At first glance, this salad doesn’t necessarily scream PANTRY, I know. It’s fresh, light, green. It’s not bursting with nuts or legumes or any of the usual pantry-lurkers (Oriental Flavor ramen brick, I’m looking at you, ya little anti-PC creeper) — but … Read More