10 Tips to Get Kids to Love Veggies – a short list of ideas for helping your kids to appreciate veggies — without any gimmicks or sneaky purees. We’ve all read the tips about how to trick your kiddos into eating their veggies. Processing them into smoothies or soups, hiding them in mac n’ “cheese” (Lana probably ate her weight in butternut squash “cheese” sauce in her first 18 months), slipping purees into muffins and, if it really comes down to it, succumbing to fruit + veggie juice blends. And it works for a reason: your kids don’t know they’re … Read More
Honey Hibiscus Tea Popsicles

Last week, Chris took the car-with-the-carseat to the shop for routine maintenance. Sans vehicle, Lana and I were determined to make the most of our new neighborhood, which is close to all that this little seaside town offers: coffee shops galore, our favorite lunch spot (the hen of the woods sandwich, my worddd), the library, playgrounds big and small, the bourgeois grocery store, the decidedly un-bourgeois grocery store — and my personal fave: THE BEACH. If you follow me on Instagram, you know how this day went. It was, let’s say, challenging. Remember when I published that lovely post last … Read More