There are so many ways to start this post today, I almost don’t know where to start. It’s (un)officially summer! It’s officially mah berfday month! I’m eating dairy again! BRUNCH PASTA! I suppose if you needed to weave all of those items into a common tale, we could talk about how all I wanted for my birthday was to put milkstuff in my facehole again and this totally brunch-worthy pasta that sings of summer is making all those dreams come true. In fact, that’s basically it. I should probably end the post here. But you know meeeeeeeeee. So first off: … Read More
Samosa Croquettes with Harissa Yogurt Sauce

Oh heyyo friendsies! Long time no chitchattle. Somehow those five days of Mexican bliss I referred to in my last post stretched out into more than a week of no bloggy blogging – and real talk, it was kind of splendid. Not that I don’t love hanging ‘round these parts talking about donuts and dranks, but it is just toooo nice to have someone else – yeah, like someone that’s not me – do the making of the dranks and the delivering of the dranks while I do the lounging on the beach. Which, I’ve determined, I kick major ass … Read More
Super Cinchy Crunchy Oven-Fried Ravioli
As I write this, we’re watching Donnie Darko on Netflix. Chris has never seen it, and I’m seeing it again for the first time in years. Like my favorite Trader Joe’s gouda, it’s gotten even better with age. And am I alone, or is there something warm and fuzzy about siblings playing siblings in the movies? I love it. These ravioli have nothing to do with Donnie Darko, but they would be an excellent lunch to share with an imaginary friend. Or a real friend, for that matter. In fact, my real friend Emily requested this recipe on the blog, … Read More