Let me tell you what I did this weekend. I pushed around strollers for three hours and then ate a sandwich the size of my face. I mean, we also did the Valentine’s Day thing and all that jazz (panna cotta for all!), but sandwich the size of my face was pretty much the highlight. And in case you’re wondering, we are no closer to choosing a stroller than we were before. Namely because there’s apparently no such thing as chic and multipurpose and affordable and joggable and schlep-all-your-shittable without tipping over and knocking your newborn in the dome. I’m about THIS close … Read More
Weeknight Homestyle Bison (or Beef) Enchiladas

Hey guys! Can you believe it’s almost Thanksgiving? (Can you believe how many posts I’ve probably kicked off with “can you believe it’s {Insert Time Frame Here}?” It’s hard to be original. Hurts my bwain.) As we really tuck into this ‘ere eleventh month in 2013, I thought now might be a decent time to start recounting the foodie resolutions I made way back in January. You know, back before middle aging, bi-coastal smorgasbording and pumpkin hoarding became the norm. In that rare moment of calm and restraint when I used the word “totes,” like, maybe once every other post. Or, … Read More