First off, a moment of gratitude for your unwavering acceptance of my unconventional post yesterday. In a world that keeps insisting it’s reached its quota of hope, you make me happy to be human. Ok, on with the show. I’m just going to start this off by saying how disappointed I am that the eggplant emoji has taken the dirtiest of turns. Seriously, all I wanted to do the whole time I was teasing this post on social media was string together about a billion heart and hearty-eye emojis with the eggplant emoji, backwards and forwards and backwards again. But … Read More
Char-Siu Chicken Bún Bowls (gluten-free)

Before this post runs away from me, as so many of them do, I’ll just start by saying: if you’re here for the recipe, alone, I know this looks like a crapload of ingredients and steps, but I beg of you – don’t be intimidated. The allure of these bowls lies in their lovingly forgiving simplicity. And that is to say, you can do very little right with them and still do very little wrong, if you know what I’m saying. It’s a beautiful thing. And now for the detour. My love for swine is no secret — to the … Read More
Asian Tofu Lettuce Wraps (vegan & gf)

Well we did it, you guys. We made it through the big eating holidays. Although it’s still pretty freaking Christmassy around here what with the tree, the stockings, the dozens of ginger-almond sugar cookies Chris decided to whip up last night. I think I’ll keep that guy around. I know it’s rather unusual to get into detox mode before one of the biggest boozing events of the year, but let’s pretend that 2014 will be a year of stupendous planning and preparation — and I’m getting an early start. (Contrarily, I’m also playing a bit of catch up this week. … Read More
Mustard-Braised Bacon Buns w/ Radish Pickles… and a GIVEAWAY!

Update: this giveaway is now closed. Thanks for participating!Greetings from the Big Apple! Can you believe this is the first time I’ve ever set foot in NYC for pleasure? The last time I was here was pleasant, to be sure, but it was definitely business related. As in, outside of the W Hotel and a few publishing houses, I didn’t see much. Thankfully, things are drastically different this time around as Chris and I have tasked ourselves with plenty of activities to make sure we get the biggest bang possible from our NYC buck. I’ll try to bring some pics … Read More