I have a ritual when Chris goes out of town. It’s called Eating a Lot of Asian Veggies. Do I need to explain? Chris is probably the world’s best sport when it comes to eating veggies. Despite his “particular” eating habits that we’ve discussed before, he rarely turns his nose up at a vegetable. Unless it’s a tomato. Or a mushroom. Or an avocado. You know. All the vegetables that, if I were a vegetarian, would make life worth living. Fortunately, I’m not a vegetarian, so I make do. There are a buttload of other veggies that make for seriously … Read More
Power Pie Smoothie (aka Jetpack in a Glass, kah-blammo!)
Earlier this summer I turned 30. I think we talked about it. In fact, I’m pretty sure I promised you at least a post or two recapping all the celebrating (read: championship face-stuffing) we did in New York. This. IsNotOneOfThosePosts. No, sadly for you, this post is a little whinier. Don’t act surprised. Or maybe do act surprised. (Whining, who me?) The bottom line is this: I am now the glorious age of 30, and for my thirtieth birthday — and with my own crazy-lady blessing — I have been gifted with… …a half-marathon. W-T-F you G-U-Ys. How did I … Read More
Berry Tropical Sunrise Smoothie (guest starring: carrots!)
I smell Chinese food. No, not like the dead people thing. Like I am currently smelling Chinese food, and it’s driving me insane. One, because Chris is sitting across from me wolfing down white corn tortilla chips, which in no way can or should smell like Chinese food. And two, because I’m fairly certain I’ll begin gnawing on the Pottery Barn catalog if a platter of black bean chow fun does not find its way into my face in the next 60 seconds. Perhaps I’m being just a touch dramatic. And now I’m hardly sure where to go from here. … Read More
Pineapple & Spinach Green Smoothie
Good Tuesday, pretties! Hope everyone’s been having a lovurly week. Seven days post-vacay, I think we’ve finally recuperated from our extra-long weekend of glitz and gluttony in NYC — thanks in no small part to a few detox meals based almost solely around things that grow from the earth. (Apparently, the detox ended last night when I decided that a platter of meltingly tender carnitas-style pork belly with Spanish rice and refried beans makes for a balanced meal, but we’ll leave that for next Tuesday’s post. I will say now: no regrets whatsoever.) So what does one eat while trying … Read More
Squat Party Misnomers and Loving Thyself
Wanna know how I’m feeling today? Oof. That’s how. Yesterday one of my work buddies (we’ll call her Kat, as that’s her name and she’s likely to make an appearance here from time to time) and I attended a “Squat Party” — or at least that’s what the Nike Training app calls the 30-minute workout that we attempted. Let me tell you something, Nike. If you’re going to call something a party, there had damn well better be cocktails and petit fours. Or at least PBR and little hot dogs on sticks. Calling what most people would refer to as … Read More
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