I have no idea how it happened, but Valentine’s Day is upon us. Six months ago, I thought I’d be prepared. I’d take Lana to one of those under-frequented paint-your-own pottery spots, stamp her fat little hand print on a saucer for Chris, and call it a day. In the evening, per tradition, Chris and I would cuddle up with big bowls of Kraft mac n’ cheese, a tray of Scotchmallows and the Mad Men finale — or something equally decadent. And one night in the week that followed, we’d celebrate more formally, pulling up chairs to a tiny table at our favorite … Read More
holiday panzanella with duck-fat roasted croutons, winter citrus + hazelnuts
Hiya folks. Sorry it’s been a quiet couple of weeks around here. Chris was preparing to go on a business trip last week — his first few nights away from Lana — so we soaked up our evenings together, putting the baby to bed as a duo and then sitting down with takeout and a shameless queue of ABC Family holiday movies on Netflix. And then earlier this week, when I had every intention of regaling you with the tale of this salad (which I nearly guarantee will become The Salad you’re asked to bring to every everything from here on … Read More
Sinless Superfood Devil’s Food Donuts + a Sambazon Giveaway — #SoLetsPigOut
I’ve learned the key to time travel. It’s called get busy, stay busy and maybe stress-eat half a key lime pie. Also, suggest a blog collaboration that runs a whole week long right in the middle of summer. The hours will just drop right away, all Heart of the Ocean style. Just “oop” and it’s Thursday. That’s some magick-with-a-“k” stuff right there. If you’re not picking up what I’m putting down, the last three days of #SoLetsPigOut have been a blur. We’ve got THREE giveaways going, and yesterday I forced a Mad Men reference right onto your Grilled Thai Beef … Read More