We have friends in town this weekend. And you know what friends in town means. Swiffering the hair off the bathroom floor. And also: brunch! Now that we’ve awkwardly linked hair and food and I’ve lost a good number of readers, let’s the rest of us delve a little more into the brunch thing. From my (clearly very chaotic) point of view, brunch is the king of mealtimes for a numbers of reasons. A) It’s a hybrid word. Maybe the first ever. In fact, yes, I’m pretty sure linguistic anthropologists would tell you that back in the day, like when … Read More
Mother’s Day Roundup: Brunch-Worthy Bomb-Noms
Yesterday was one of the downest days I’ve experienced in a while. One of those days that makes you crave the comfort of things like good girlfriends and sushi. And frozen yogurt. And beer. At one point I think I literally uttered the phrase “I want my mommy.” Fortunately, with this weekend being Mother’s Day, I can look forward to plenty of QT with both mommy and mommy-in-law, and I can already tell it promises to be just what the doctor ordered. Of course, a swimming pool of ramen and a hammock of Vic’s cappuccino chip ice cream couldn’t hurt … Read More
Spring Pea, Bacon & White Cheddar Frittata

Quiet night here at P&Q headquarters. Leftovers. An obscenely large hunk of brie — and the requisite water crackers. And Revenge. I’m late to the party with this one, I realize. It’s also thoroughly possible that I’m addicted. This is what happens when I’m left alone with the remote control and many lifetimes’ worth of streaming television at my fingertips. What’s a girl to do? Just to keep things somewhat productive this evening, perhaps now’s a good time to post the recipe for the little frittata that was easily the star of the show when Cristin dropped by. For once, … Read More