Can we talk a minute about things I’m feeling these days? One: Pistachios. I bought this huge bag of them in the shell because we have these friends that always put out pistachios when we go to their house for dinner, and it’s super fun because it’s, like, both a snack and an activity and something to do with your hands when you’re not quite ready for that second pre-dinner beer — except for I’m currently in my own house on my zero-th beer trying to write this blog post and snack at the same time and all I want is to … Read More
Roasted Beet and Fennel Burgers (veg, gluten-free, grain-free, paleo)
Whoa. Check out them lookers. (Also, check out my mom’s vintage sewing table-turned-sideboard.) (And the rih-dic light in her dining room.) (And my clear lack of something to filter all that pretty light.) (But it is oh so pretty.) (K, I’m done now.) Let’s talk about beets, bay. bee. Sweet, nutty and blitzed with licorice-y fennel, warm, worldy spices, piquant salsa and just a dribble of sunshiny honey. AND NUTS. Can we also talk about how there are so many toasty little nut bits going on in here? There are. And it (they?) makes for a patty that is damn near … Read More
Rice Noodles w/ Coconut-Braised Bison & Peppers (gluten-free, paleo-ish)
Something life-changing happened today. I was sweeping up around the stove when I noticed a tiny square of papery onion skin that was stubbornly clinging to the linoleum. (Oh, I hope you’re ready for a story. Sorry, jumped right in there.) And I mean, it was on there, guys. No amount of mashing the broom bristles into that little bugger was gonna budge it. So I got down on my knees, picked at the edge until it lifted, and then — in a move that was only too satisfying — peeled it cleanly from the floor. (Where is that skill … Read More
Coconut Curried Sausage & Veggie Gumbo (gluten-free)
It’s Fat Tuesday tomorrow! And in case you’re curious how much restraint was required to skip calling it Phat Tuesday, well, 1) buttloads and 2) look how well that worked out. IT’S PHAT FAT TUESDAY TOMORROW! Because if fried and fatty shenanigans aren’t pretty hot and — oh yes — tempting, then I don’t know what is. (LIE. I know what is. Did you guys watch the Oscars? Jessica Biel is neither fried nor fat but girlfriend looked TASTY.) Speaking of tasty, did you happen to catch my 10 Drool-worthy Mardis Grad Recipes post on Full Circle last week? It’s … Read More
Farro Salad with Roasted Fennel & Grapefruit
It’s been a big week, I’ll have you know. This Sunday, I ran my first half-marathon — the US Half in gorgeous SF. Then proceeded to catch me a nasty head cold — again. And today, I heard my first Christmas song. Mariah Carey, Christmas (Baby Please Come Home), if you’re curious. And yes, there was a moment where the sheer Christmas cheer was cut cleanly in half by a brilliant stroke of panic that I blacked out Thanksgiving. You never know. That tryptophan is really crippling. Gladly, the half-marathon wasn’t so bad (we had a great cheering section), the … Read More
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