My mom has always said that we, the Chinese people, have an unspoken kinship with Jewish folks — insofar as “where Jewish people have guilt, Chinese people have shame.” That, and we both love to eat. Thirty seconds ago, I shared this theory with my Jewish friend, Randi (we’re sitting on her sofa, re-watching the latest episode of Parenthood — because apparently we gluttons for punishment also share a passion for fug-faced sobbing) and she laughed. And then she agreed. And then she offered me a popsicle. So, there ya go, Momma. #nailedit And with that, I give you: Chinese-approved Hanukkah foods. … Read More
Eggplant-Ricotta Pasta Bake

I’m gonna tell you a story about Chris and eggplant. Here we go: Chris thinks he hates eggplant. End of story. It was a short one. Guess I could have thrown in a twist where you thought, for a second, that he liked eggplant. But come on. I can’t fool you. BUT. Here’s something joyful. Chris eats eggplant kind of a lot. He just doesn’t know it. Or maybe he does and he’s a good sport. I guess that’s the one. He’d be less than stoked if he thought I thought he was a picky eater, because really he’s not. … Read More
Birthday Eggplant (Simple Sicilian Eggplant Involtini)

Yesterday was Emily’s birthday. No, not mine, the other Emily. (But mine is coming up in June, and it’s a big one, so if you wanna send me something…) A dinner party was held in her honor, complete with Moscow mules, darling World Market-inspired favors and an astrologer to get all of our hopes up about our futures. It was incredibly fun and full of such warm, inviting and clever friends. She’s a lucky one. As part of Em’s soiree, guests were each asked to potluck a dish that we’d later explain with a toast to Emily. As in, the … Read More
The more the merrier…or the joy of the Solo Supper (with recipe)
When Chris and I were in Costa Rica, group activity was the name of the game. I’m not sure I’ve discussed it here, but we went not for the romantic getaway most couples seek from a tropical paradise but to spend time with friends at the summer residence of my college roommate’s family. Mornings weren’t early but were bustling with the sounds of three showers running, eggs popping on the stove and the clapping of shoes crusted with mud from the previous day’s adventures. Between me and Chris, Miriam and her boyfriend Brian, our good friend Alex, his generous parents … Read More