How excited are you guys for Daylight Savings Time? I’ll tell you what: I’m frickin’ stoked. This morning I slept in until the grand ol’ hour of 7am and it was still dark as eff when I rolled out of bed. ‘Sokay, because good thing I have the lamest night vision ever. I only jammed my thigh into the footboard twice before successfully making it to the light switch. Black and blues are sexy. Fortunately, injuries are a great excuse to reward yourself with fatty indulgences. When I was four, I tripped over the hem of my nightshirt and tumbled down a … Read More
An exciting new venture — and…tamales!

I hope you’ve got your maracas handy, because you know what today is? Big Reveal Sunday! Fortunately, Big Reveal Sunday also coincides with Cinco de Mayo, which is incredibly handy since the two are actually a bit related. How boggled is your mind right now? I’ve alluded a couple of times on this blog (and on Facebook. And Twitter — what? I’m excited!) that I’ve been working on a fun foodie project on the side, and today I’m positively giddy to reveal that I’ve joined the team over at as one of their food hosts! Joyus is an online … Read More