You’re so confused. I can already sense it. I usually do Friday Links, and that’s using the word usually pretty loosely since I apparently suffer from some calendar scheduling incapability that’s probably a close cousin of procrastination. But this week, well, THIS week is some kind of special, because yesterday I awoke to a barrage of phone notifications alerting me to the fact that the interwebs were throwing me a surprise virtual baby shower (#EmsPigletParty) for our little piglet. A surprise. Virtual. Baby shower. Because that’s a thing. WHAT! ♥♥♥ And also: awesome sauce collection! (That’s like your Great Uncle Marty’s collection of hot … Read More
creamed spinach toasts with fried eggs + fennel

Easter eggs. Can we call these that? Is that just too easy, too obvious, when I tell you that this brunchy feast is the exact thing you’ll want to dive your face into come Easter Sunday? Maybe so, but I never promised to be a clever one. And freaking Easter eggs — c’mon! It’s kinda cute. Cyuuuuuuute. Kyoooote. I’m getting soft. Ok, but before we talk about eggs real quick, can we just address THE JINX? Have you guys watched it? We were completely sucked in and polished off the whole mini-series in, like, three days. (I’m a liar. Two days.) And then … Read More
The Ultimate Bacon & Egg Sandwich

Happy Easter! We’re staying low-key this Easter and spending a much-needed Sunday doing a whole lotta nothing. In reality, it’s more like a whole lotta housekeeping, but it feels good either way. So while the rest of my loved ones chow down on a brunch of broccoli casserole and pan-fried calamari steaks (yeah, remember those? yum!) in Sacramento, we’re sitting on our sunny sofa luxuriating in the Colbert Report before we embark on a garage cleanout that is three years past due. I know you envy me. Don’t worry, just keep hunting your eggs and snarfing up Cadburys. We can take … Read More