Hey guys! Happy Friday! This week has been so much fun. On Monday, I stepped in front of the camera for a change in the name of a new gig that’s probably going to elicit aaaallll the face-palm monkeys ever. (Yes, I know they’re not really face-palming…) On Tuesday, the Bestie from Sac came to spend some time with little Lana before she’s suddenly bigger than the both of us and all sassy pants all the time. We shopped and sipped and inhaled Whole Foods’ vegan donuts, which I think might be the only items worth their weight in the … Read More
duck fat-roasted potato + wilted kale salad with miso-mustard dressing (gluten-free)
I can already tell that this winter is going to be about DUCK FAT IN ALL THE THINGS. If you’re a veggie-terry-an or a vegan or a fish-a-whateveran, feel free to read that as OLIVE OIL IN ALL THE THINGS. Just know your tastebuds are getting royally ripped off. Because le fat of le duck is le bombdiggidamndamn. (Would you believe I almost considered going into technical writing in college? True story. Something about wanting a paycheck.) Per the usj, for this Thanksgiving’s brunch we ditched the turkey (figuring everyone heads off to a turkey household for dinner) and opted … Read More
Snap Pea, Parmesan & Bacon Salad with Dijon Dressing
Evening friends. Quick post tonight as I want to save a few things for a bonus post I’ll be putting up later in the weekend. A little sunt’n sunt’n about a certain blog turning one. We might even light a candle, but let’s not get ahead of things. This week has been, in a word, flaughghg. I’ve been operating in a bit of a fog, attempting to nurse myself back to health with a winning mixture of green juice, Emergen-C and DayQuil, but only after a trip to the doc and a five-day stint of antibiotics am I finally starting … Read More