Whoa. Check out them lookers. (Also, check out my mom’s vintage sewing table-turned-sideboard.) (And the rih-dic light in her dining room.) (And my clear lack of something to filter all that pretty light.) (But it is oh so pretty.) (K, I’m done now.) Let’s talk about beets, bay. bee. Sweet, nutty and blitzed with licorice-y fennel, warm, worldy spices, piquant salsa and just a dribble of sunshiny honey. AND NUTS. Can we also talk about how there are so many toasty little nut bits going on in here? There are. And it (they?) makes for a patty that is damn near … Read More
Coconut Curried Sausage & Veggie Gumbo (gluten-free)

It’s Fat Tuesday tomorrow! And in case you’re curious how much restraint was required to skip calling it Phat Tuesday, well, 1) buttloads and 2) look how well that worked out. IT’S PHAT FAT TUESDAY TOMORROW! Because if fried and fatty shenanigans aren’t pretty hot and — oh yes — tempting, then I don’t know what is. (LIE. I know what is. Did you guys watch the Oscars? Jessica Biel is neither fried nor fat but girlfriend looked TASTY.) Speaking of tasty, did you happen to catch my 10 Drool-worthy Mardis Grad Recipes post on Full Circle last week? It’s … Read More
Weeknight Homestyle Bison (or Beef) Enchiladas

Hey guys! Can you believe it’s almost Thanksgiving? (Can you believe how many posts I’ve probably kicked off with “can you believe it’s {Insert Time Frame Here}?” It’s hard to be original. Hurts my bwain.) As we really tuck into this ‘ere eleventh month in 2013, I thought now might be a decent time to start recounting the foodie resolutions I made way back in January. You know, back before middle aging, bi-coastal smorgasbording and pumpkin hoarding became the norm. In that rare moment of calm and restraint when I used the word “totes,” like, maybe once every other post. Or, … Read More
Moroccan Braised Bison Meatball Stew and a plea for votes

— Thanks to all who voted for The Pig & Quill! This contest is now closed. — I made the second round in Cook Taste Eat’s 365 Everyday Value Coconut Milk recipe contest! Remember the other day when I posted that pretty little recipe for Chiles en Nogada con Coco and mentioned it was part of a contest hosted by Whole Foods and Cook Taste Eat? Well I’ve got some good news, reader friends — I made the first cut! And now we reach the hard part. In order to realize the grand prize of cooking/filming with Michael Mina, my … Read More