Howdy all — happy 2016! I can hardly believe this is my first post of the year, but if cheesecake is at all indicative of the general direction this year is headed, you won’t hear me complaining. (Lies. You will. Just not about dessert.) (Probably about nap stuffs. Or lack-of-nap stuffs. Although today I actually got to close my eyes with the little one and we dozed together and it was The Freaking Sweetest.) (Also, I hope parentheses are still en vogue this year.) (AS IF THAT CAN STOP ME.) (Typical.) So about these cheesecakes: not sure if you’ve noticed, … Read More
mini blum’s(ish) coffee crunch cake

Babies, I have determined, are perhaps the best drug on Earth. In their presence — with just one whiff of sticky-milk cheeks, a gentle raking of fingers through downy soft hair, the trill of a new voice finding new volumes — time both stands still and speeds up, a pinwheel turning wildly in the wind. Your own future becomes both vastly clear and deliriously blurred. Those newborn nights you were certain would never end; the physical pain of complete and total exhaustion that you thought you were prepared for, you silly goose now hardly more than a “remember when…” in the wake of … Read More