Do you guys ever make up little stories about the people in your neighborhood? Not the people who live next door or across the street, who you presumably actually know a little about — but the people you see every morning on your way to work or every now and then when you walk past the bus stop or queued up in line at Starbucks, all Lululemon’d to the nines, who you truly know nothing about except maybe that they repeatedly order an “Ummm, Hi Short Decaf Nonfat Cap,” to which you repeatedly question (internally, uh’course) Ummm, Hi WHAT’S THE FREAKING POINT? And … Read More
Masala Roasted Sunchokes with Feta, Mint & Lemon (gluten-free)

UPDATE: This contest is now closed. Thanks to all who entered! Have you entered our Luv Yo Momma giveaway yet? No? So I guess you don’t wanna win a Breakfast in Bed set from Q Squared, then. Ok. Up to you. (Check it out!) Confession number one. I just ate a pop tart. Well, ok, some non-GMO, organic approximation of a pop-tart, but it hit all the same pop-tarty notes. Scalding hot, jammy inside. Crackling sugary crust. It was all sorts of delicious. I want another. Maybe in time I’ll DIY some for the bliggy. Confession number two. I’m about half … Read More
Rice Noodles w/ Coconut-Braised Bison & Peppers (gluten-free, paleo-ish)

Something life-changing happened today. I was sweeping up around the stove when I noticed a tiny square of papery onion skin that was stubbornly clinging to the linoleum. (Oh, I hope you’re ready for a story. Sorry, jumped right in there.) And I mean, it was on there, guys. No amount of mashing the broom bristles into that little bugger was gonna budge it. So I got down on my knees, picked at the edge until it lifted, and then — in a move that was only too satisfying — peeled it cleanly from the floor. (Where is that skill … Read More
25-Minute Skillet Chicken w/ Carrots & Leeks (gf)

25-Min Skillet Chicken with Carrots and Leeks – a satisfying skillet chicken dinner that boasts all-day flavors but comes together quickly. Perfect for a weeknight meal. I love leeks. They’re kind of a pain in the ass to wash, yeah, but so what. The leeks will thank you for it, and I really believe that. (Can you imagine what it must feel like going through life with silty grit chillin’ under your skin? Like that moment when you first walk onto the beach and realize one step too late that you should have taken your shoes off from the start. You’re … Read More
Salted Chocolate & Pistachio Energy Bars (vegan w/ GF variation)

A few weeks ago, Chris presented me with a challenge: to create an energy snack he could take along on road and mountain bike rides that wasn’t full of weird, carby fillers or dried milk products. That wasn’t as simple as a fruit and nut bar (dammit, but those are going off like rockets right nuuuur!). That wasn’t extruded from some extrude-y machine-a-majiggy. Natch, my mind went straight to, well, brownies. (Ding!) I know I crave sugary chocolate with ferocity when I’m active. And cheesy bread and garlicky noodles and salty, soft-boiled eggs. But let’s start with chocolate. These little bars … Read More
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