Hummus, Feta + Broccoli Fritters — Light, cheesy, gluten-free broccoli fritters loaded with tender broccoli, creamy hummus and salty feta, served with parsley, lemon and a tangy tzatziki dip. Serving them at room temperature makes them perfect for game day snacking or a light vegetarian lunch or dinner any time. This post has been sponsored by Safeway. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Hey friends! I’m back with another post made in partnership with Safeway today, and this time around we’re talking Game Day snacking. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a huge team sports fan … Read More
10-Min Vegan Cream of Broccoli Soup

Vegan Cream of Broccoli Soup – a super simple, healthy cream of broccoli soup packed with fresh flavor, bright color and creamy, cozy vibes — and made entirely without dairy. I love soup. As a kid — and even early into adulthood — I was a sucker for canned soup. The bloated, squishy, noodles. The melt-in-your-mouth carrots. I adored them. And then one day, somewhere around my cooking-for-roommates college years, I heard Rachael Ray insist that, “If there’s one thing you don’t need to buy canned, it’s soup. It’s just too easy to make good soup from scratch.” And, much … Read More
Springtime Broccoli Cheese Soup with Peas & Scallions (gluten-free, vegetarian)

I think I’m confused. With triple digits in this week’s forecast, it’s not exactly the season for soup, and yet it’s sort of all I can think about these days. It’s so simple. And it makes such stellar use of those CSA veggies that are threatening slime in the crisper drawer. I always have the best intentions. Really, I do. Last night we sat down to piping bowls of this favorite chowder, light on the milk and bulked up with a few handfuls of sweet, leafy spigarello. Before that, it was a fuschia-hued dream of beets whirled with Indian spices … Read More
Garlicky Curried Noodle Soup (gf w/ vegan option)

When I posted this guy on Instagram the other day, I had the forethought to actually add a squidge of sriracha to the egg. And it looked bangarang, you guys. Bang. Uh. Rang. And then I sat down to edit the pics for this post and realized that, amidst all the excitement of pulling out the big ol’ Nikon and strapping it to the tripod and F-stopping like whoa, I never actually took a real-deal pic of the sauce’d egg. What the eff. I blame #yolkporn. Gets me every time. So this soup: sriracha drizzle or not, it’s kinda fine, … Read More
Thai Beef Broccoli with Basil & Rice Noodles
Oh, the wok puns I could use here, but I won’t. Consider it an exercise in self-control. Make that great self control. It’s just so tempting. Let’s start over. How much do you love Asian food? I’m seriously all about it, like in a totally high school “no you hang up” kind of way. Maybe it has something to do with my upbringing, where Four Season Crab and Hamburger Helper both held their own on the dining room table. (I still love boxed ground meat kits.) Maybe it has to do with the fact that, more often than not, Asian … Read More