Pink Mini Vegan Donut Muffins — perfectly bite-sized, naturally-colored pink muffins that come together quickly in one bowl and happen to taste exactly like homemade cake donut holes. Hey hey, lovelies. Today I’m over on Nosh & Nourish sharing a recipe that I am so beyond excited about — one, because they’re stinkin’ cute, and two, because they’re extraordinarily easy and so. freaking. good. Obviously, the world’s a bit…different, let’s say, than the last time I popped into this space to talk about these Pan Fried Singapore Rice Noodles (which we’ve still been making almost weekly since the quarantine — … Read More
Clementine Cake (gluten-free, grain-free, paleo) — and a birthday for momma

Love cake? Check out last week’s recipe and enter for your chance to win a DIY Calligraphy Set from The Lettered Bride! Gogogo! Does it, at this point, go without saying that I’m a momma’s girl? I am, through and through. And a better person for it, I truly believe. There is so much of my mom in me, much to the chagrin of my teenage self, who took only too much pleasure in referring to my mom as a textbook AAM — Angry Asian Mother. My best friend, Miriam, and I coined this term, feeling then that the angrily exhaled … Read More