Something life-changing happened today. I was sweeping up around the stove when I noticed a tiny square of papery onion skin that was stubbornly clinging to the linoleum. (Oh, I hope you’re ready for a story. Sorry, jumped right in there.) And I mean, it was on there, guys. No amount of mashing the broom bristles into that little bugger was gonna budge it. So I got down on my knees, picked at the edge until it lifted, and then — in a move that was only too satisfying — peeled it cleanly from the floor. (Where is that skill … Read More
Veggie Joe Sliders (totally vegan-able!)

It’s been a while. I don’t even know where to begin. Should we start with the whole I’ve been sick excuse? I already pulled that one a few months back? Oh. Damn. How about these holidays be craycray? More relevant? Phew. Now we can get onto the good stuff. Have you guys finished your Christmas shopping? Have you baked, like, a smack-ton of cookies all stacked pretty-like in cellophane bags and tied up with variegated twine? Have you totally out-Elf-Shelf’d the crap out of your neighbors yet? (I swear, about 93% of any enthusiasm I have for being a parent … Read More
Weeknight Homestyle Bison (or Beef) Enchiladas

Hey guys! Can you believe it’s almost Thanksgiving? (Can you believe how many posts I’ve probably kicked off with “can you believe it’s {Insert Time Frame Here}?” It’s hard to be original. Hurts my bwain.) As we really tuck into this ‘ere eleventh month in 2013, I thought now might be a decent time to start recounting the foodie resolutions I made way back in January. You know, back before middle aging, bi-coastal smorgasbording and pumpkin hoarding became the norm. In that rare moment of calm and restraint when I used the word “totes,” like, maybe once every other post. Or, … Read More
Award-Winning Vegan Soyrizo & Sweet Potato Chili

Ready for a story guys? Here goes. Last week at work we had a chili cook-off. The First Annual for our little company, I’m guessing. We’re a team of about 30 people, with maybe two-thirds of us in the office on a “busy day.” So, because most of us like to eat — and a handful of us really like to cook — we had a chili cook-off. The word quaint should probably be in there somewhere. Requirements for the cook-off? None. No heat restrictions, specific diet accommodations, nada. This was anything goes, people. And guess-friggin’-what. This Vegan Soyrizo & … Read More
Recipe: Bacon, bean & bells chili
Seems like it’s been a while since I posted something actually related to food, doesn’t it? Bacon bummer aside, that is. Must be my preoccupation with the ski house that we rented with some friends for the winter. I know, right? Ski house. We went up last weekend to get things settled, and I can already tell we’re going to have a heck of time both on and off the slope. Our group is awesome, the snow season looks far more promising than last — and I have a feeling we’re going to hit the jackpot when it comes to slow … Read More
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