Thank you National Watermelon Promotion Board for sponsoring this post. Watermelon is the perfect portable food for enjoying wherever life takes you! Lana’s on break from school for the entire month of August, and somehow we’re busier than ever. We’ve got swim, as usual, and we just added gymnastics (you should see the adorable wardrobe of unitards I’m building for her!) — but we’re also excellent at staying busy with plenty of un-busy activities, too. We popped into the woods for hiking adventures the past two weekends, and long mornings on the beach are never a hard sell. This week, … Read More
Roasted Beet and Fennel Burgers (veg, gluten-free, grain-free, paleo)

Whoa. Check out them lookers. (Also, check out my mom’s vintage sewing table-turned-sideboard.) (And the rih-dic light in her dining room.) (And my clear lack of something to filter all that pretty light.) (But it is oh so pretty.) (K, I’m done now.) Let’s talk about beets, bay. bee. Sweet, nutty and blitzed with licorice-y fennel, warm, worldy spices, piquant salsa and just a dribble of sunshiny honey. AND NUTS. Can we also talk about how there are so many toasty little nut bits going on in here? There are. And it (they?) makes for a patty that is damn near … Read More