Baked Cheddar, Apple & Smoked Turkey Sliders — these easy baked sliders come together quickly and are perfect for a spring brunch or lunch. Pair them with a bistro-inspired Springy Herb Salad dressed with a sweet and tangy Orange Poppy Seed Vinaigrette for a complete family-friendly meal. This post has been sponsored by Safeway. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I love everything about a baked slider. The ease with which they come together. The melty filling, sandwiched between buttery, toasty rolls — crisply topped and nutty brown from the oven. In typical years, they’re a favorite party food, … Read More
tomato-bacon bisque + apple-bacon grilled cheese | two red bowls guest post
Today I’m beyond elated to have Cynthia from Two Red Bowls generously pinch-hitting for me while I gorge myself on baby Lana cuddles (ok – more like baby Lana feeding. after feeding. aaaaafter feeding. someone takes after her momma…). I’ve adored Cynthia’s culinary creativity (these biscuits + Chinese sausage gravy! this SPAMmy budae jjigae! those pineapple buns!) and distinctively styled photography since shortly after I joined the blogosphere, and her warm heart and sincere voice always keep me coming back to her space time and again. She’s truly an inspiration! If you don’t already follow Cynthia (you silly duck, you…), I implore you to … Read More
Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Apples, Bacon & Balsamic
Gnocchi is therapy. The mashing. The rolling. The shaping. It’s a quiet, process-oriented little task that requires just enough focus to clear the mind of its remaining clutter. Should I be throwing another load of laundry in the wash? Nope – gnocchi. If I get into work early two days next week, will it make up for a Monday out of the office? Shuttup — gnocchi. Really, does no one find it odd that all this airing of dirty laundry just happens to coincide with Emily Thorne’s arrival in the Hamp—gnocchi. See? It purges the crap, I promise you. And … Read More
OH, the places you’ll go…and baked stuffed apples
Ok, maybe more like OH, the place that I went. This past week I had the immense pleasure of traveling back to Ohio to spend a few days with my dear friend, Amanda, and food – as usual – played a large role when it came to planning our agenda. I was incredibly fortunate to be in town for the last few days of Dine Originals’ Restaurant Week (I’ll go into detail in another post), but the most memorable meal of the long weekend ended up being a pot-lucked brunch at our friends Amanda and Stephen’s house. (There are two … Read More