Hiya folks. Sorry it’s been a quiet couple of weeks around here. Chris was preparing to go on a business trip last week — his first few nights away from Lana — so we soaked up our evenings together, putting the baby to bed as a duo and then sitting down with takeout and a shameless queue of ABC Family holiday movies on Netflix. And then earlier this week, when I had every intention of regaling you with the tale of this salad (which I nearly guarantee will become The Salad you’re asked to bring to every everything from here on … Read More
Grapefruit, Gorgonzola, Pear & Parsley Salad (gluten-free)

Game of Thrones warned me: Winter is here! Really! I mean, I’ve been in my CaliBubble for a while, but would you believe the rest of the country is not suffering from a record-breaking drought? If you saw the gigantor snowflakes bombing the asphalt outside my pal’s window right now, there’d be no question. It’s full-blown waynter. (And here I thought the Snowpocalypse was just YA for the forthcoming albino zombie takeover. “Just,” of course, being used super loosely because, duh, I would totally read that.) Anyway. Food! So while I’m here in Minneapolis getting snowed in, I thought yooz … Read More