Note: This post was originally published in March 2013. It has since been updated with new photography and edits to the original recipe. Hey guys! And hey new guys and gals that might have recently joined in on this crazy ol’ stroll through Pig & Quill shenaniganry. It’s amazing how much traffic a little fresh Foodgawker coverage can bring over the course of a couple of days, isn’t it? Pretty phenomenal, if you ask me. I know you didn’t ask me, but when has that ever stopped me? Right. So. Seriously, thanks for stopping by my crumb-y little corner of the innernet, … Read More
Coconut Curried Sausage & Veggie Gumbo (gluten-free)

It’s Fat Tuesday tomorrow! And in case you’re curious how much restraint was required to skip calling it Phat Tuesday, well, 1) buttloads and 2) look how well that worked out. IT’S PHAT FAT TUESDAY TOMORROW! Because if fried and fatty shenanigans aren’t pretty hot and — oh yes — tempting, then I don’t know what is. (LIE. I know what is. Did you guys watch the Oscars? Jessica Biel is neither fried nor fat but girlfriend looked TASTY.) Speaking of tasty, did you happen to catch my 10 Drool-worthy Mardis Grad Recipes post on Full Circle last week? It’s … Read More
Happy Cheersgiving! (and How To: Host a Beer Tasting Party)

Disclosure: I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Millennial Central for Budweiser. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating. As always, I recommend only those items that I truly find to be a good fit in The Pig & Quill kitchen, and any opinions expressed across the site, be they negative or positive, are 100% my own. ————————————————– Well howdy, friends. I hope everyone in these ‘ere United States enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving holiday. Knowing that there are people out there — family, friends and some wonderfully loyal, creative and funny folks … Read More
Roasted Miso-Glazed Pumpkin (vegan & gluten-free)

A few weeks ago, I tempted fate and went shopping at Costco without a grocery list. I’d say I live for cheap thrills — except flat after flat of $9 organic produce adds up reeaaal frickin’ fast. So along with my usual haul of Greek yogurt, bananas and Dave’s Killer Bread (side note: have you guys heard he’s off the wagon? Seriously so sad…) — I picked up two little tubs of organic white miso. Let the ahhhglazing begin. Troof be told, to-date my only experience with miso at home has been with those guilty little packets of instant miso … Read More
Shortcut Salted Kouign Amann

Hi guys – Em here. Just a heads up: this is one of my longer posts, but ironically, it’s all an attempt to explain how I’ve actually shortened a rather laborious recipe. Hope you’ll bear with me. These little guys are, like, sooooooooo worth it. xoxo!So, I’ve been obsessing over the idea of a salted kouign amann for a few years now. I think it started back when I heard The Neelys talk about a notably salt-flecked version from Les Madeleines in Salt Lake City on The Food Network’s program The Best Thing I Ever Ate. I don’t know about you, … Read More