Hey ya’ll. You’re not gonna believe this, but we’re back! Wedding month concluded yesterday with a super cute, DIY ceremony and reception that Pinterest only wished it had witnessed in the flesh. Of course I left my phone at home, so I can’t share a lick of it with you right yet, but if I can get my hand on some snaparoos, I’ll be sure to share. Suuuuuur cuuuuuurte. And now we can get on with a fall that’s nearly as full of festivities. Almost. Except guessat. I’m not ready for fall. So instead let’s keep eating salad like it’s … Read More
Baked Tofu Banh Mi with Basil Lime Aioli
I began writing this post yesterday and then decided to postpone it after just a few paragraphs. In the wake of the tragedy in Boston, food writing — no matter how close it is to my heart — just seemed…trivial. On the somewhat bright side, humans constantly amaze me: for every cruel and villainous asshole in this world, there are a dozen more folks who are loving, generous and truly admirable. I love that. So now it’s Tuesday, and I suppose it’s still worth running down a brief weekend recap, even if it is a day late. Until Monday, the … Read More
Tofu & Fried Egg Pho with Crispy Onions & Furikake

Not sure if you’ve noticed, but it’s almost April. Can I get a WTF? (Thanks.) Seriously, when did that happen? Where did March go? Or February for that matter? Weren’t we just polishing off Spritz sugar cookies from the holidays a couple of weeks ago? Oh, just me then? They freeze well… As much as I typically love the coming of spring, I’ve got to admit I’m a little sad to part ways with winter this year. First of all, we didn’t really see much of it. A little rain here, some flurries there. We tried our darndest to make … Read More
Vegan Curried Tofu & Chickpea Salad

A few weeks ago Emily and I were standing around in the sun panting stretching post-run and taking a moment to postulate our diets. “I’m thinking of cutting out fish,” Em said. “Going real vegetarian for a while.” “Ohhhhkay,” I began. “And does this have anything to do with watching Vegucated and hearing that girl talk about the fishies guts exploding as they’re pulled from the sea?” It’s not like we don’t know these things happen, but sometimes it takes a marathon of, like, 17 food culture documentaries for it to sink in. “Well, sort of,” she said, gamely. (She rolls with … Read More
Recipe: Soft-scrambled tofu with oyster sauce, Thai basil and egg
When Chris is out of the house for mealtime, a couple of things happen: 1) I catch up on DVR’d episodes of Real Housewives of ____________ and 2) I whip up a two big portions of a simple, unfussy meal full of comforting flavors — and then eat them both. Tonight was no exception. Tofu is one of those things I always have in the fridge. With sweet and salty oyster sauce and fresh, aromatic basil, this is tofu at its dressed-down best. Soft-scrambled Tofu with Oyster Sauce, Thai Basil and Egg By Emily Stoffel Cooking time: 10 minutes | … Read More
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