So, just to get a few things off the table before I go all (non) recipe on your butts: Spain is RIDICULOUSLY gorgeous. I’d heard all the things about all the cities we’d be visiting, and I went in completely assuming I’d leave with a strong bias toward one or the other, but so far I’ve fallen in love with little bits of Barcelona (the jamón, Gaudi everything, and some of the most excellently executed vegetarian food I’ve had in a while), San Sebastian (pintxos, of course — and the views!) and Madrid (palaces and patatas — what’s not to like??). … Read More
Chile-Lime Watermelon Paletas (vegan + paleoish/gf)

A couple weekends ago, Chris and I were holed up in a Truckee hotel for a night during one of his mountain bike races. He was in the bathroom tending to one of his “it’s cool, I think a butterfly bandage should hold it together” injuries (ew) while I distracted myself with Food Network in the bedroom. Because that’s what married people do in swanky euro-mod hotel rooms. First aid and cable. Anyway. Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives was on, of course (is it not always?), and exclamations like BANGARANG and BOOYAH and TAKE ME TO FLAVORTOWN were shooting out of … Read More