The windows are a’open, new Daft Punk is a’playin’ and I’m a’stuffin’ my face. (Ooh, sounded a little Italiano on that last one.) In sum: it’s turning out to be quite a lovely day. I’m pretty eager to get on to what will become your go-to, year-round salsa (yep, it’s that good), but first: a few exciting announcements. Hooray! (Should we make them look like a list? I think we should. Wait, is that a bad idea because it will push the pretty Facebook and Twitter images I made too far down the page? Is that bad marketing? Probably. Oh screw … Read More
Smoky Dukkah Pesto – aka the ultimate umamdiment
Have we talked TV in a while? No? Let’s do. *Flips hair and hunkers down Indian Style* Kay, so do you guys watch Smash? I’m getting caught up. I feel we have a little bit of a Love/Hate relationship, me and Smash. I just can’t tell if I love to hate it or hate that I love it. My point is this: Katherine McPhee is pretty phenomenal. Her voice is bananas. O-R-A-N-G-E-S. And she’s got this yogi bod that she looks so comfortable in. Oh, and JHuds? It’s like Idol minus the shimmery lipgloss and prescription-drugged judges. My only complaint … Read More
Smoked Olive Oil Caramels with Chocolate & Pecans

Hi again. It’s me, Emily, here, with a recipe that is probably mostly definitely going to make you want to tear your hair out in absurdly delicious confusion. So, remember when I posted those spicy chocolate caramels the other day? (Yes, the day AFTER Valentine’s Day.) And then I promised a naughtier version would be forthcoming? Well, hunnayy, you would not imagine the emails I received after that post. People were really freaking curious! It was all like: – What do you mean by naughty? – Are they shellac’d with some kind of latex-finish gloss? – Caramel Room of Pain? – … Read More
Enfuso Smoked Olive Oils (Live, from my sofa, it’s Saturday night!)

So it’s Saturday night, of a long weekend, no less, and what am I doing? Sitting on the couch in a dimly lit living room eating yet another Brussel sprout salad (this one, I promise you, is even better than the last) and bathing in the whitish glow of my laptop screen. (MacTanning, I’m calling it. Great for creating that bloodshot look.) Is this what I’m putting off kids for? When did this happen? Moreover, why do I like it so much? Am I the only one that gets just a little high off quiet solo nights at home? And … Read More
Recipe: Black bean, kale & farro soup with smoked olive oil (no bacon! whaaaat?)
Here’s a recipe that’ll knock your socks off. It’s a soup — no biggie — chocked full of veggies — no biggie — that would be excellent kicked off with a little rendered bacon — duh. Few soups wouldn’t benefit from getting things started with a little smoky, salty, fat. Except for I’m out of bacon. And, as you can read more about in a post I’m hoping to get to tomorrow, we’re kind of trying to limit bacon intake in this house, among other things, at least for a little while. Something to do with wanting to live a … Read More