Do you remember your first Super Bowl? I do. My mom and I were living in an apartment off the river, in a little one-bedroom over the manager’s office. One of my favorite pastimes was fastening a paperclip to a string, knotting it clumsily around the end of a stick and dangling it over the balcony. Time and again it’d come back up with a small note attached — or, if I was really lucky, an individually-wrapped Starburst candy, the paperclip deftly pried open and speared through the waxy pink or yellow wrapper. The little things, right? “Hey kiddo,” my … Read More
Veggie Joe Sliders (totally vegan-able!)

It’s been a while. I don’t even know where to begin. Should we start with the whole I’ve been sick excuse? I already pulled that one a few months back? Oh. Damn. How about these holidays be craycray? More relevant? Phew. Now we can get onto the good stuff. Have you guys finished your Christmas shopping? Have you baked, like, a smack-ton of cookies all stacked pretty-like in cellophane bags and tied up with variegated twine? Have you totally out-Elf-Shelf’d the crap out of your neighbors yet? (I swear, about 93% of any enthusiasm I have for being a parent … Read More