Alanna (The Bojon Gourmet) and I met when I was just baaaaarely pregnant — those first days when you’re still wincing at sneezes and consulting your sustainable seafood app for fear of mercury poisoning at every turn. Both of us being only somewhat formally employed at the time (note: if you’ve read the tale behind the name of her blog, you’ll know she takes no offense to this; note-within-a-note: she is now a bonafide cookbook author!!! while I am still…whatever the hell I am…), we met up for a weekday brunch at Plow where I promptly broke out into a cold sweat … Read More
mochiko chicken tacos with tangy umeboshi mayo
The diapers have been ordered. The hospital bag has been packed (and repacked). The freezer, as you well know by now, is at capacity. Dare I say we’re ready? It’s incredible, really, the things you can find to pass the time when it seems any moment could be the last moment that you’re this exact person. You know, before you become that person — that next iteration of yourself that is somehow you and yet not at all you because suddenly there exists a tiny little bugaboo of a human that only knows this new you and nothing else. Rambling incoherently to a questionable quantity … Read More