Believe it or not, I’m actually going to get right into the recipe today. Pretty incredible, right? No obnoxious detour into what we did this weekend (It was four freaking days long! What didn’t we do!) or how many YA novels I’ve made it through in the past two weeks (Five, you guys! I think that’s a record!) or how my awesome mom and godmom stopped by to gift me and Chris with a funky new cookbook and about 11 lbs of barbecued beef ribs (I have nothing to add! The awesomeness if pretty obvious!). Instead, I’ll just tell you how … Read More
Gorgonzola Grilled Plums with Maple Syrup & Chilies

Sometimes there are those evenings when all you want to do is rip open a bag of chips, pour them into a bowl and grab a spoon. Sometimes the spoon is totally optional. (Duh, who eats chips with a spoon?) Sometimes you find yourself with crumbies all up in the micro-knit of the corporate polo you’re wearing. Always you fear what will happen if hubby learns just how many of those crumbies ended up on the couch. Maybe you got down real close and carefully removed each little piece of evidence with the tip of your tongue. Maybe you didn’t. No … Read More
Recipe: Garlic chicken with plums
Today when I woke up to gray skies and that fine, Bay Area micro-mist that’s actually quite uncommon in my neck of the woods, I knew it’d be a Dutch oven supper night. Despite my obsession with summer and my resistance to its departure, autumn brings with it all sorts of seasonal rewards, not the least of which is fiddling with my slowly growing collection of Le Creuset cookware. (Hey, homegirls gotta pay the bills.) I’ve always been a fan of slow cooking. It’s the kind of cooking that indicates you’ve got time on your hands, and that’s a luxury … Read More