The windows are a’open, new Daft Punk is a’playin’ and I’m a’stuffin’ my face. (Ooh, sounded a little Italiano on that last one.) In sum: it’s turning out to be quite a lovely day. I’m pretty eager to get on to what will become your go-to, year-round salsa (yep, it’s that good), but first: a few exciting announcements. Hooray! (Should we make them look like a list? I think we should. Wait, is that a bad idea because it will push the pretty Facebook and Twitter images I made too far down the page? Is that bad marketing? Probably. Oh screw … Read More
In the Pigpen No. 3: Thirty Days of Thanks (continued, part 1)
Hmm, wondering now if I should have started a whole new Pigpen for this post. In the Pigpen No. 4? Or maybe 3.5? Oh well, we started in No. 3, we’ll continue in No. 3. And here we go. 30 Days of Thanks (Part 2 of 3, maybe?) I am thankful for: November 15: My grandparents. It didn’t dawn on me until recently that not everyone is as blessed as I’ve been when it comes to knowing one’s grandparents. I’ve had the great pleasure of knowing all my grandparents, both blood and step. Some have passed, although I can say with … Read More