Brown Sugar Blueberry Pie Shakes

Brown Sugar Blueberry Pie Shakes — as indulgent as they sound, all the flavor of blueberry pie in a creamy dreamy blueberry milkshake whirled with nutty almond butter and studded with shortbread cookies. Yes please. This past weekend was full of firsts. My first real vacay away from the babe. My first show at Red Rocks. My first exposure to Dr. Pimple Popper. (I can get into a lot of bizarre shit, but I just can’t do it, you guys.) The four days I spent in Denver were so very indulgent. Leisurely breakfasts in with old friends. Leisurely breakfasts out with … Read More

Power Pie Smoothie (aka Jetpack in a Glass, kah-blammo!)

Earlier this summer I turned 30. I think we talked about it. In fact, I’m pretty sure I promised you at least a post or two recapping all the celebrating (read: championship face-stuffing) we did in New York. This. IsNotOneOfThosePosts. No, sadly for you, this post is a little whinier. Don’t act surprised. Or maybe do act surprised. (Whining, who me?) The bottom line is this: I am now the glorious age of 30, and for my thirtieth birthday — and with my own crazy-lady blessing — I have been gifted with… …a half-marathon. W-T-F you G-U-Ys. How did I … Read More