Oh looksie there! We meet again. Pardon my absence while I’ve been off playing Let’s Not Break the Internet. You know that game where you’re basically betting against Newman’s head popping up with a taunting “ah-ah-ah” and crossing your digits that if all hell breaks loose you can wrangle the raptors before that chunky little monkey runs off with the Barbasol can? Is that not how it goes? I feel like you feel me. I mean, if you’re reading this, that’s probably a good sign. The internet is still intact. And you’re maybe even lookin’ at a snazzy new P&Q! Or else everything is … Read More
Shortcut Salted Kouign Amann

Hi guys – Em here. Just a heads up: this is one of my longer posts, but ironically, it’s all an attempt to explain how I’ve actually shortened a rather laborious recipe. Hope you’ll bear with me. These little guys are, like, sooooooooo worth it. xoxo!So, I’ve been obsessing over the idea of a salted kouign amann for a few years now. I think it started back when I heard The Neelys talk about a notably salt-flecked version from Les Madeleines in Salt Lake City on The Food Network’s program The Best Thing I Ever Ate. I don’t know about you, … Read More