Let’s talk about how I just spent almost half an hour trying to pinpoint the crackling sound coming from the freezer only to realize it’s coming from a wood-wick candle I left burning on the bathroom counter. And now my kitchen is littered with frozen food and I get to play my favorite-ever freezer game “hide the banana(s).” Except it’s not nearly as fun or dirty as it sounds and more like I really, really need to make banana bread some time in 2015. Yikes. A. Bee. Now (Bachelor spoiler) let’s talk about how Farmbeezy Chreezy almost totally redeemed himself this week by … Read More
Browned Butter Panna Cotta with Maple Syrup & Stone Fruit

You guys are going to think I’ve become completely unhinged with this one, and that’s ok. Because maybe I have, a little. I blame far too many episodes of The Mind of a Chef — or just a complete and utter devotion to forcing as much browned butter as possible into a dessert that, scientifically speaking, is kind of anti-browned butter. (I’ll explain later.) A few months ago, Chris and I had the most spectacular meal at Manresa, included in which was a browned butter panna cotta, AKA Mindsplosion Central. I died, you guys. Ok, I didn’t die (clearly, jeesh, … Read More