Pink Mini Vegan Donut Muffins — perfectly bite-sized, naturally-colored pink muffins that come together quickly in one bowl and happen to taste exactly like homemade cake donut holes. Hey hey, lovelies. Today I’m over on Nosh & Nourish sharing a recipe that I am so beyond excited about — one, because they’re stinkin’ cute, and two, because they’re extraordinarily easy and so. freaking. good. Obviously, the world’s a bit…different, let’s say, than the last time I popped into this space to talk about these Pan Fried Singapore Rice Noodles (which we’ve still been making almost weekly since the quarantine — … Read More
Mini Pineapple Corn Cakes with Lemon Glaze

Happy weekend, lovelies! What a week it has been. Productive, to say the least. And mehbeh a tad stressful. But a productive week usually makes for a content Emily, and around here, that’s far superior to the alternative. The alternative, of course, being the Emily that’s full of passive aggressive complaints and grandiose insinuations and overly general generalizations that usually revolve around such dramatic statements as, “I’m not sure why I should have expected anything different…” Boy, that gets ugly. Full disclosure, a scant bit, just a wee dribble, of that latter Emily might have made an appearance this week. … Read More