We’re watching Dexter these days. I hope you understand why that means my posts have been a bit sporadic lately. I’m sure it also explains why I’m hearing the words I’m typing in the voice of Michael C. Hall. Is it still your own inner monologue if it’s in the voice of someone else? In case you’re wondering, it’s still happening. I feel like we hardly even know each other anymore, you guys. So I’m going to try to change that. Here’s a little of what I’ve been up to these days, outside of the kitchen: As we discussed, I’m … Read More
Eggplant-Ricotta Pasta Bake

I’m gonna tell you a story about Chris and eggplant. Here we go: Chris thinks he hates eggplant. End of story. It was a short one. Guess I could have thrown in a twist where you thought, for a second, that he liked eggplant. But come on. I can’t fool you. BUT. Here’s something joyful. Chris eats eggplant kind of a lot. He just doesn’t know it. Or maybe he does and he’s a good sport. I guess that’s the one. He’d be less than stoked if he thought I thought he was a picky eater, because really he’s not. … Read More