Update: This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to all who entered! Dudesies, it’s Valentine’s Day! And in honor of this, the most romantical of holidays, I felt like I needed, well, more than words…to show I feel…that my love for you is real. (Too…Extreme? Ha. Just me? Shocking.) But seriously you guys: I’ve joined nine of my blogger buds to Share the Love by giving one lucky reader an incredible 14-Cup Cuisinart Food Processor! And it couldn’t be easier to enter! In case you didn’t get that, alls ya gotta do is CLICK HERE to enter through Rafflecopter between February … Read More
Simple Pumpkin Spice Dip

Did I mention I’ve been hoarding pumpkin like it’s the apocalypse? Or maybe Armageddon? If it is Armageddon, I really hope Chris knows to do the whole animal-cookies-on-the-tummy act before we become fiery stardust. I’d be so smitten. Anyway, I’ve been hoarding pumpkin. Like, I maybe made a small scale model of Hearst Castle out of pumpkin cans in my living room. I might be sitting in said castle right this minute, wondering exactly what I can use to duplicate the gold leaf in the swimming pool. The swimming pool may or may not be a Pyrex baking dish. The Hearsts … Read More
Drunken Plums with Mustard-Caramel Sauce & Rosemary Shortbread (over ice cream!)

Believe it or not, I’m actually going to get right into the recipe today. Pretty incredible, right? No obnoxious detour into what we did this weekend (It was four freaking days long! What didn’t we do!) or how many YA novels I’ve made it through in the past two weeks (Five, you guys! I think that’s a record!) or how my awesome mom and godmom stopped by to gift me and Chris with a funky new cookbook and about 11 lbs of barbecued beef ribs (I have nothing to add! The awesomeness if pretty obvious!). Instead, I’ll just tell you how … Read More
Mini Ice Cream Ginger Snapwiches

I think I may have confessed a time or two…my love for Young Adult Novels? Or YA as the cool kids say. A group I’d clearly like to join, all joking aside. Lately I’ve been sorely behind on keeping up with the other members of my unofficial YA Book Club (you know who you are) — distracted by things like sweet potato obsessions and giveaways and fabulous culinary adventures to time zones afar. The ridonkulous weather this week hasn’t helped, either. Who wants to stay inside cooped up with a book or a ‘puter when there are things like beer … Read More
Spicy Chocolate Caramels (aka bourgeois Tootsie Rolls)

Is it too obvious to begin by saying that I’m probably a day late on these? I have good reason — I promise. It’s, um… Well, I… I just didn’t… I’m a terrible procrastinator. There, I said it. Not at all things, but when it comes to my personal life, I seem to do this thing that maybe kind of sort of could be called burning the candle at both ends. Biting off more than I can chew? Overloading the crap out my schedule. And it’s not even a real schedule that means anything of importance to anyone at all … Read More