Hold on to yer hats, everybody. I’ve been baking again. And somehow I always choose to do so on days when it’s sweatstache weather. Or maybe it’s just always going to be sweatstache weather from here on out. Is this just how we’re going to roll for, like, always? Seriously, I feel like how The Rock looks in pretty much every F&F franchise movie (or, more accurately, every movie ever). That is: dripping with perspiration to the point where you just assume there’s a tiny person off camera whose entire job consists of soaking him down with a tiny mister … Read More
salted chocolate cracker crack (saltine toffee) with roasted almonds

Someone please tell me: how are we on the heels of August already? How can it be that I’ve not yet witnessed a single one of summer’s silk scarf sunsets for myself? More broadly: where have my evenings gone? I won’t for a minute complain that our darling bug takes her bath, like clockwork, at 6:30 every night and is snoozing peacefully by 8. Nor would I trade that solid hour plus of sleepytime snuggles for the sun glinting rosy on an emptying wine glass — but if I could just have my cake and eat it, too, as the … Read More
Smoked Olive Oil Caramels with Chocolate & Pecans

Hi again. It’s me, Emily, here, with a recipe that is probably mostly definitely going to make you want to tear your hair out in absurdly delicious confusion. So, remember when I posted those spicy chocolate caramels the other day? (Yes, the day AFTER Valentine’s Day.) And then I promised a naughtier version would be forthcoming? Well, hunnayy, you would not imagine the emails I received after that post. People were really freaking curious! It was all like: – What do you mean by naughty? – Are they shellac’d with some kind of latex-finish gloss? – Caramel Room of Pain? – … Read More