Spinach & Quinoa Cake with Curried Avocado Cream (gluten-free)

We have friends in town this weekend. And you know what friends in town means. Swiffering the hair off the bathroom floor. And also: brunch! Now that we’ve awkwardly linked hair and food and I’ve lost a good number of readers, let’s the rest of us delve a little more into the brunch thing. From my (clearly very chaotic) point of view, brunch is the king of mealtimes for a numbers of reasons. A) It’s a hybrid word. Maybe the first ever. In fact, yes, I’m pretty sure linguistic anthropologists would tell you that back in the day, like when … Read More

Vegan Curried Tofu & Chickpea Salad

A few weeks ago Emily and I were standing around in the sun panting stretching post-run and taking a moment to postulate our diets. “I’m thinking of cutting out fish,” Em said. “Going real vegetarian for a while.” “Ohhhhkay,” I began. “And does this have anything to do with watching Vegucated and hearing that girl talk about the fishies guts exploding as they’re pulled from the sea?” It’s not like we don’t know these things happen, but sometimes it takes a marathon of, like, 17 food culture documentaries for it to sink in. “Well, sort of,” she said, gamely. (She rolls with … Read More

Coconut Curry Cod with Kale & Carrots

The people have spoken. Thanks for the comments following yesterday’s prompting, friends. This week has been a bit of a downer with me and Chris both fighting a bug (dontbethefludontbethefludontbetheflu) and a little reader interaction was just what I needed to get back into the groove. And potato chips. Uncommonly-balanced diet be damned! When phlegm attacks, there are only three things I want: The saltiest, crunchiest potato chip one can find. Aggressively carbonated soda. Vernor’s in a can is usually my first choice. In an attempt to remain somewhat healthy, this round I went with Hansen’s Natural club soda. It’s … Read More