WARNING: This is kind of a long, schizo post. I’d love for you to follow the storyline from soup to nuts, but if you just want the low-down on the review, skip to the middle. If you’re jonesing for oats, skip to the end. I don’t know why it took me so damn long to hop on the overnight oats train {t00t t00t}. It’s no more work than fixing a bowl of cereal or assembling my beloved Greek yogs breakie. You just do it the night before — so in a sense, it’s actually easier. Wake up. Eat. Dance party. … Read More
Roasted Miso-Glazed Pumpkin (vegan & gluten-free)

A few weeks ago, I tempted fate and went shopping at Costco without a grocery list. I’d say I live for cheap thrills — except flat after flat of $9 organic produce adds up reeaaal frickin’ fast. So along with my usual haul of Greek yogurt, bananas and Dave’s Killer Bread (side note: have you guys heard he’s off the wagon? Seriously so sad…) — I picked up two little tubs of organic white miso. Let the ahhhglazing begin. Troof be told, to-date my only experience with miso at home has been with those guilty little packets of instant miso … Read More
Greek Yogurt Breakfast Bowl (featuring anniversaries…and prison)

Chris and I celebrated our third anniversary this week. We dined at the lovely Dixie in the Presidio, enjoyed plenty of wine and defrosted the wedding cake we were supposed to eat two years ago. (It can only get luckier with age, right?) Before dinner, we strolled through the Marina, coffees in hand, tallying aloud all the tanned girls in yoga pants and brainstorming how we’d one day turn our little house into the home of our dreams. I was smitten. I am smitten. It was a perfect reminder that those two gloriously joyful people that committed themselves to figuring … Read More
Jalapeno-Cheddar Chicken Melts

Do you ever wish blogging could be like a Choose Your Own Adventure Book? I sure do. Particularly on days like this when I’m just not sure what trivial detail of my personal life I feel like rambling on about before I awkwardly somersault my way into a recipe for open-faced melty goodness. I could tell you about the four servings of salt and pepper potato chips I just hoovered before realizing that a “portion” is NINE FREAKING CHIPS. Or I could mention that we’re going to New York this coming week for the first time both A) together and … Read More
The Best Tomato Salsa You Will Ever Eat, new P&Q schedule and lists galore!

The windows are a’open, new Daft Punk is a’playin’ and I’m a’stuffin’ my face. (Ooh, sounded a little Italiano on that last one.) In sum: it’s turning out to be quite a lovely day. I’m pretty eager to get on to what will become your go-to, year-round salsa (yep, it’s that good), but first: a few exciting announcements. Hooray! (Should we make them look like a list? I think we should. Wait, is that a bad idea because it will push the pretty Facebook and Twitter images I made too far down the page? Is that bad marketing? Probably. Oh screw … Read More