Update: This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to all who entered! Dudesies, it’s Valentine’s Day! And in honor of this, the most romantical of holidays, I felt like I needed, well, more than words…to show I feel…that my love for you is real. (Too…Extreme? Ha. Just me? Shocking.) But seriously you guys: I’ve joined nine of my blogger buds to Share the Love by giving one lucky reader an incredible 14-Cup Cuisinart Food Processor! And it couldn’t be easier to enter! In case you didn’t get that, alls ya gotta do is CLICK HERE to enter through Rafflecopter between February … Read More
Smoked Olive Oil Caramels with Chocolate & Pecans

Hi again. It’s me, Emily, here, with a recipe that is probably mostly definitely going to make you want to tear your hair out in absurdly delicious confusion. So, remember when I posted those spicy chocolate caramels the other day? (Yes, the day AFTER Valentine’s Day.) And then I promised a naughtier version would be forthcoming? Well, hunnayy, you would not imagine the emails I received after that post. People were really freaking curious! It was all like: – What do you mean by naughty? – Are they shellac’d with some kind of latex-finish gloss? – Caramel Room of Pain? – … Read More
Spicy Chocolate Caramels (aka bourgeois Tootsie Rolls)

Is it too obvious to begin by saying that I’m probably a day late on these? I have good reason — I promise. It’s, um… Well, I… I just didn’t… I’m a terrible procrastinator. There, I said it. Not at all things, but when it comes to my personal life, I seem to do this thing that maybe kind of sort of could be called burning the candle at both ends. Biting off more than I can chew? Overloading the crap out my schedule. And it’s not even a real schedule that means anything of importance to anyone at all … Read More