cider poached pears with apple cider caramel + toasted pecans (vegan)

Cider Poached Pears with Apple Cider Caramel + Toasted Pecans recipe (via #vegan #sweets #dessert #caramel #fall

First, a disclaimer: I am writing this in a haze of post-Daylight Saving Time exhaustion. If you have children — particularly small children on whom the concept of “sleeping in” is completely lost, you feel my pain. Add in teething and a sudden desire to skip a third nap (despite offering every indication that a third nap is, indeed, just what the doctor ordered), and you end up somewhere close to here. Welcome to my semi-functioning, yoga-pants-as-real-pants, peanut-butter-pretzels-for-breakfast-lunch-and-dinner reality. THANK GOD FOR CARAMEL SAUCE. Caramel sauce, I have recently discovered, can be the antidote to a myriad of woes. I say … Read More