Do you remember your first Super Bowl? I do. My mom and I were living in an apartment off the river, in a little one-bedroom over the manager’s office. One of my favorite pastimes was fastening a paperclip to a string, knotting it clumsily around the end of a stick and dangling it over the balcony. Time and again it’d come back up with a small note attached — or, if I was really lucky, an individually-wrapped Starburst candy, the paperclip deftly pried open and speared through the waxy pink or yellow wrapper. The little things, right? “Hey kiddo,” my … Read More
Grilled Brussel Sprouts with Jalapeno-Honey Aioli

Can I let you guys in on a little secret? Maybe you already know. I’m guessing you do. It kind of has to do with you. All of you. Y’all of you. YOU LOVE BRUSSEL SPROUTS. You do. Or at least you like to read about ’em. It’s true. Proven even. By the important people. (You know, Google and WordPress and Pinterest number-crunching people.) Ain’t no shame, I love them, too. And they’re kind of hot right now, so we should be feeling really good about ourselves for being so on-trend. As in, if neon is the new black, brussies … Read More