Emilies getting our wedding on. Noice.
Have I mentioned September should be renamed Schiztember? I’m sure I’ve at least alluded to it. Because things are CRAZYTOWN. Also: WEDDINGTOWN. They’re right next to each other on the map. You’ll know when you’ve crossed from one into the other when the streetlights turn into mason jars.
You know I love me a roundup when I’m having trouble finding time to cook and daylight to photograph focusing, so let’s get right down to beanskis:
1) I’m running a half-marathon in six weeks. Six weeks! Ssssweeeeeeeeeks! If I’ve now said it twice on the blog, it means I can’t back out, right? There is no hashtag to explain how utterly unprepared I feel. And who wants to run when you can watch crap like this all day long?
1-A) Also (I promise this is at least a little related to the bananacat): For some reason, there are, like, a ton of make-out gifs in the world. Thankfully, most of them involve at least one shirtless Salvatore brother.
Whoa. That’s a little dirty. Meehehehe.
2) Amidst all our traveling lately, it can be easy to forget exactly how sweet you’ve got it in your own backyard. Today started and ended with beautiful views of the city, first with a sunrise run through Golden Gate Park and then with a sunset stroll through Alamo Square. (Believe it or not, we actually got some work done in the middle, too.) I’m not what you’d call a City Mouse, but the charms of SF are undeniable.
3) Remember that time we talked about weddingtown? I forgot to mention wedding food. Like, really good wedding food. Like, housemade pasta. Nomski.
4) Detours through Yosemite are always fun. We stopped through the park on our way to last weekend’s wedding to join Chris’ parents at the Ahwahnee for his mom’s birthday dinner. Being that we don’t usually drive to Yosemite for the evening, she was pretty surprised. And let me tell you: if you think Yosemite is breathtaking on a Saturday morning, it’s even more majestic on a Wednesday afternoon. Just an ordinary Wednesday. A little work. A little huuuuuuuuuuge rock face action. California really is furgin’ spectacular.
5) Gratuitous yolk porn! Baked atop a hash of potatoes, chorizo and pork belly from 58 Degrees & Holding Co in Sactown. ‘Welcome. 🙂
Until I get back in the kitchen…
Lurve ya!