Hey ya’ll. You’re not gonna believe this, but we’re back! Wedding month concluded yesterday with a super cute, DIY ceremony and reception that Pinterest only wished it had witnessed in the flesh. Of course I left my phone at home, so I can’t share a lick of it with you right yet, but if I can get my hand on some snaparoos, I’ll be sure to share. Suuuuuur cuuuuuurte. And now we can get on with a fall that’s nearly as full of festivities. Almost. Except guessat. I’m not ready for fall. So instead let’s keep eating salad like it’s … Read More
Simple Summer Fried Rice w/ Chinese Sausage

I might have said something on Facebook about posting my Saturday post on Sunday. And that might have been a lie. I might have skipped it altogether. I blame jetlag. And cookie chips, because they’re habit-forming and caused me to spend half of Sunday rocking in a corner fiending, which, by the way, does not make for productive blogging. Also: Newsroom. The characters on that show are so damn sharp! I like to tell myself that not everyone follows their quick dialogue like I do. That not everyone appreciates the conversations within conversations. That not everyone feels my deep, personal … Read More
Mustard-Braised Bacon Buns w/ Radish Pickles… and a GIVEAWAY!

Update: this giveaway is now closed. Thanks for participating!Greetings from the Big Apple! Can you believe this is the first time I’ve ever set foot in NYC for pleasure? The last time I was here was pleasant, to be sure, but it was definitely business related. As in, outside of the W Hotel and a few publishing houses, I didn’t see much. Thankfully, things are drastically different this time around as Chris and I have tasked ourselves with plenty of activities to make sure we get the biggest bang possible from our NYC buck. I’ll try to bring some pics … Read More
Baked Tofu Banh Mi with Basil Lime Aioli
I began writing this post yesterday and then decided to postpone it after just a few paragraphs. In the wake of the tragedy in Boston, food writing — no matter how close it is to my heart — just seemed…trivial. On the somewhat bright side, humans constantly amaze me: for every cruel and villainous asshole in this world, there are a dozen more folks who are loving, generous and truly admirable. I love that. So now it’s Tuesday, and I suppose it’s still worth running down a brief weekend recap, even if it is a day late. Until Monday, the … Read More
Five-Spice Chicken & Green Bean Spring Rolls

It’s sharing Wednesday. Or maybe oversharing Wednesday, because Share Number One is… I’m no-pooing. If you know what that means, bless your heart. If not, it’s basically going without shampoo. But it’s not as bad the name implies. I’m just not washing my hair. Wait, does that sound worse? Let’s clarify: No-pooing is basically an all-natural way to cleanse and condition your hair and restore balance to your scalp for healthy, manageable hair sans chemicals, silicone, etc. There’s zero constipation involved — unless you’ve already got issues of your own, of course. Learn lots more about it here and here. And … Read More