My MacBook just attacked me. As in, it just skinned the shkit out of the back of my knuckle. And no, I didn’t just skin my knuckle on the MacBook. The MacBook skinned me. Also, I’m fairly certain I cracked a rib while paddling a group raft on the Rogue River this past weekend. Or coughing up what’s left of this STUPID CHEST COLD that won’t quit. Or maybe the yoga I did at work yesterday is coming back to get me. Either way, I feel like someone kicked me in the side with a steel-toed boot. I think it was … Read More
The Big Apple Eats n’ Deets: Part 1
(WARNING: Soooo much Rain-Head-Hair in these photos, baaaaaaaarrrrrrf.) In June, Chris and I visited NYC to celebrate the ol’ Dirtay Thirtay. (Sorry.) And for some time, I’ve been promising you a post about all the noteworthy food we ate while we were there. The great news? I’m not sure I can put it off much longer. Like, I’m feeling truly anxious about getting behind. Like, really, really anxious. Like, I’m not even allowing recipes to enter the queue until I push this post out like the big, whiney, forearms-with-fatrolls word-baby that it is. The bad news? I just said like, like, … Read More