Note: This post was originally published in March 2013. It has since been updated with new photography and edits to the original recipe. Hey guys! And hey new guys and gals that might have recently joined in on this crazy ol’ stroll through Pig & Quill shenaniganry. It’s amazing how much traffic a little fresh Foodgawker coverage can bring over the course of a couple of days, isn’t it? Pretty phenomenal, if you ask me. I know you didn’t ask me, but when has that ever stopped me? Right. So. Seriously, thanks for stopping by my crumb-y little corner of the innernet, … Read More
Jalapeno-Cheddar Chicken Melts

Do you ever wish blogging could be like a Choose Your Own Adventure Book? I sure do. Particularly on days like this when I’m just not sure what trivial detail of my personal life I feel like rambling on about before I awkwardly somersault my way into a recipe for open-faced melty goodness. I could tell you about the four servings of salt and pepper potato chips I just hoovered before realizing that a “portion” is NINE FREAKING CHIPS. Or I could mention that we’re going to New York this coming week for the first time both A) together and … Read More
The Ultimate Bacon & Egg Sandwich

Happy Easter! We’re staying low-key this Easter and spending a much-needed Sunday doing a whole lotta nothing. In reality, it’s more like a whole lotta housekeeping, but it feels good either way. So while the rest of my loved ones chow down on a brunch of broccoli casserole and pan-fried calamari steaks (yeah, remember those? yum!) in Sacramento, we’re sitting on our sunny sofa luxuriating in the Colbert Report before we embark on a garage cleanout that is three years past due. I know you envy me. Don’t worry, just keep hunting your eggs and snarfing up Cadburys. We can take … Read More